Geologic Mapping, Detection of minerals and mining:Detect minerals fast and accurately.
- GPR can evaluate base and sub-base layers with data collection densities not obtainable by traditional labor - intensive methods, such as coring.
- Borehole Geophysical Logging General Investigation of Subsurface Geology
- Buried mineshafts
- Buried river channels
- Characterize mineral deposits
- location and identification of mineral and ore deposits
- ice and permafrost thickness
- Mining and Mineral Exploration
- complex subsurface problems, such as stratigraphy--
- depletion of water table, groundwater management
- Depth to bedrock
- Detect location and orientation of faults
- determination of near-surface morphology and soil properties
- determine the depth to water table
- Farming and Precision Agriculture
- Groundwater studies (water table detection, groundwater movements, etc)
- Evaluation of Subsurface Bedding for Slope Investigation of Groundwater Conditions
- Explore minerals
- General Investigation of Deeper Subsurface Geology Seismic Velocity Surveys- Crosshole and Downhole Methods
- General Investigation of Shallow Subsurface Geology High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiling
- Geological structures (faults, folds, joints, fissures, etc)
- geology mapping
- geothermal resources
- Hydrogeological Applications
- Hydrogeological Investigations and Groundwater Modelling
- Identify karst bedrock features
- identifying /predict potential pathways for subsurface flow.
- Earthquake Vibration Studies (using S-Wave Velocities)
- Rock rippability
- Investigation of Groundwater Conditions view example General Investigation of Subsurface Geology
- landfill geometry
- locate sinkholes and features related to karst environments.
- Locate water resources
- Location of Shallow Subsurface Faults
- Location of Subsurface Cavities Location of Subsurface Faults
- Location of Subsurface Faults Subsurface Mapping for Groundwater Investigations
- Location of Subsurface Faults view example Evaluation of Bedrock Velocity for Rippability
- location of underground water sources
- Map geological features
- Map lateral and vertical distribution of soil type
- Map stratigraphy and bedrock
- Mapping mineral, sand and gravel deposits
- Mapping subsurface lithologies
- Mine workings, concealed voids/subsidence
- mineral, sand and gravel deposits
- Mining
- Predict areas prone to slope failure
- Provide bedrock depth information
- sources of underground water
- sources of underground water (even as geothermal resources)
- Stratigraphic studies (erosional surfaces, unconformi-ties, etc)
- subsurface lithology
- Thickness of overburden
- to mapping the subsurface layers in real time
- unknown depth to bedrock
case stories